Bhumika Mahila Bachat Gath, Aina

Poultry farming with desi chicken is a vocation that is slowly fading away from the rural landscape because of the following reasons –

  1. People opting for mass production with broiler chicken and thereby cater to the demand in the cities.
  2. Non availability of genuine / pure breed of desi chicken in the rural areas. The market has been taken over by mixed breed with claims of being desi chicken.

Hence, when the women opted for poultry farming during the training season, we decided to implement the project with the desi breed.

The women were helped with the design of the shed, setting up the poultry farm and the procurement of the pure breed desi chicken from a special farm in Pune. We also helped them with the purchase of feeders & drinkers and starter & finisher food from vendors based in Vikramgad.

NeevJivan Foundation has appointed a local veterinary doctor to help the women with vaccination of the chicks / chicken. 

We plan to support them for a period of atleast 1 year so that they are able to stabilise their operations and are confident to run the business on their own.


